Michal Čihař - Odorik


Python module and command line utility to interact with Odorik API.

Recent blog posts about Odorik


Figuring out current account balance:

$ odorik balance
balance: 123.45

Figuring out current data usage for a number:

$ odorik mobile-data --phone 00420789123456
bytes_total: 111593707
bytes_down: 87039672
bytes_up: 24554035
price: 0

Sending a SMS message:

$ odorik send-sms 00420789123456 "Ahoj, jak se mas?"

Account summary:

$ odorik summary
id: 716000
public_number: 00420789789789
call_count: 58
sms_count: 42
bytes_total: 145921813
data_price: 0.01
call_price: 24.28
sms_price: 12.31
price: 36.59

id: 717000
public_number: 00420789123456
call_count: 11
sms_count: 0
bytes_total: 0
data_price: 0
call_price: 2.20
sms_price: 0
price: 2.20


There is comprehensive API and command line documentation at readthedocs.org.


Development uses Git as a version control system.

Bug reports

Use GitHub issue tracker for reporting bugs. You can provide patches there as well.


Install from GitHub repository or use pip:

pip install odorik

Support this project

Do you like this project? You can contribute to it either using your work (patches are welcome) or you can donate to the author.