Michal Čihař - Debian

Debian Packages

This repository contain daily snapshots of dictionary packages for Debian. These packages are available in Debian as well, but might be a bit older than what you can get here.

You can find list of my packages in Debian on my package overview page.

Recent blog posts about Debian

Ubuntu PPA Repositories

I'm currently maintaining following PPA repositories with current upstream versions:

Debian Packages Repository

How to use?

Just add following lines to your sources:

deb http://dl.cihar.com/debian unstable main contrib non-free
deb-src http://dl.cihar.com/debian unstable main contrib non-free


All packages are signed by gpg key ID DCE7B04E7C6E3CD9 (fingerprint: 4732 8C5E CD1A 3840 0419 1F24 DCE7 B04E 7C6E 3CD9). This key is used only for signing of packages, do not accept it for anything else. You should be able to fetch it from keyserver (eg. subkeys.pgp.net). This key is signed by my regullar key, which you might have in near your trust path :-).

To automatically trust the key, you need to import it to apt:

curl https://dl.cihar.com/debian/key.asc | sudo apt-key add -

Alternatively you can fetch it from the keyserver:

apt-key adv --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv-keys DCE7B04E7C6E3CD9

Binary Packages Listing

Section main

Name Download Version Description
stardict-czech stardict-czech_20171101-1_all.deb (623.2 KiB) 20171101-1 Stardict package for Czech dictionary of foreign words

Section non-free

Name Download Version Description
stardict-english-czech stardict-english-czech_20180401-1_all.deb (3.6 MiB) 20180401-1 Stardict package for English-Czech dictionary
stardict-german-czech stardict-german-czech_20171101-1_all.deb (49.1 KiB) 20171101-1 Stardict package for German-Czech dictionary

Source Packages Listing

Section main

Name Download Version Other
stardict-czech stardict-czech_20171101-1.dsc (1.0 KiB)
stardict-czech_20171101.orig.tar.gz (665.7 KiB)
stardict-czech_20171101-1.debian.tar.xz (2.3 KiB)
20171101-1 VCS

Section non-free

Name Download Version Other
stardict-english-czech stardict-english-czech_20180401-1.dsc (1.1 KiB)
stardict-english-czech_20180401.orig.tar.gz (4.0 MiB)
stardict-english-czech_20180401-1.debian.tar.xz (9.1 KiB)
20180401-1 VCS
stardict-german-czech stardict-german-czech_20171101-1.dsc (1.1 KiB)
stardict-german-czech_20171101.orig.tar.gz (53.6 KiB)
stardict-german-czech_20171101-1.debian.tar.xz (2.3 KiB)
20171101-1 VCS

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