Bitcoin and Litecoin
I'm running Bitcoin and Litecoin nodes together with ElectrumX servers for both networks.
If you are interested in running similar service, you might follow instructions I've used to set this up.
The service is provided for free, however I welcome donations to keep it runninng on following addresses.
Bitcoin: 3G6tFoBpRnL59SQkod2jgdCs7Vc5Z3Mb2T
Litecoin: MNDuWiL2NQs6C3HuymQx3YuzkJoDVHUp2v

Recent blog posts about cryptocurrencies
- Running Bitcoin node and ElectrumX server
Nov. 17, 2017, 1 p.m.
- Weekly phpMyAdmin contributions 2017-W44
Nov. 7, 2017, 1 p.m.
- Using Trezor to store cryptocurencies
Oct. 13, 2017, 8 a.m.
- Running Bitcoin node on Turris Omnia
May 26, 2017, 2 p.m.
Frequenty asked questions
How to use this server?
You can configure your Electrum client to use as single server. Bitcoin server is running on ports 50001 (unencrypted) and 50002 (with SSL), Litecoin on 50003 (unencrypted) and 50004 (with SSL).
The server is part of standard discovery of available servers, so your client might use it without any manual configuration. In this case you will be probably using different server each time you start Electrum.
My transaction is still unconfirmend, can you do something about that?
You probably have sent the transaction with low fee or the Bitcoin network is congested. The server shows fee estimates on console during connection, but Electrum usually uses these so unless you set the fee manually or very low, the transaction should be included in blockchain in reasonable time.
If you want to check current network status and size of mempool (where not processed transactions are stored), you can look at Johoe's Bitcoin Mempool Statistics which can give you good idea how long transactions with certain fee are waiting.
To speed up the transaction you can use one of the transaction accelerators available, for example ViaBTC Transaction Accelerator (please note that they accept limited number of transactions for free every hour).
My funds were stolen and I was last connected to your server
The server has no control over your funds, as the Electrum server is not holding your private keys, these are stored only in your client. To send transaction it has to be signed by your private key, so most likely it has been stolen from your system (check for malware) or you've shared the private key with some online service which abused it. There is no way to recover from this, please handle your private key carefully.
The best way to store your private keys is to use hardware wallet, for example Trezor. With it the key is stored securely outside your computer and no funds can be sent without physical access to the hardware (you have to confirm transaction by pressing button on the device).
Links to products or services which you might find useful
These links include my refereal code, any bonus obtained this way will be used to improve this service.
Support this project
Do you like this project? You can contribute to it either using your work (patches are welcome) or you can donate to the author.